Saturday November,20,2010

Another good trip! Despite the gale force westerly winds today we had a very good morning as 10-12 anglers had 35 keepers to 7 plus pounds fishing in very poor conditions. We had good life on two deep water drops before calling the trip a few hours early and heading...

Friday November,19 2010

Good day today! 16 fares had over 100 tog, 58 keepers to 7.5 lbs. Greg Archer led the way with 8 keepers(orl) Bill Kondyra had 5 keepers and many others had their limit. Solid bite all day long!

Sunday November,14 ,2010

Tog fishing was much improved today!! It has been a very hard week with all the east wind. Yesterday only saw a few dozen tog, though we did very well on Jumbo and Super Jumbo Porgies and Sea bass (by special permit). Today finally the tog bite got back to normal and...

Wednesday, November,10,2010

Blown out for two days but managed to get a good trip in today. Still quite breezy out there but fishing was just fine. 10 anglers were 7 short of a limit catch today. Rich from Sea Hag fame was amazingly high hook today with 8 fine keepers (orl) and the pool...

Monday, November,8,2010

We did not sail today with the weather, nor tomorrow. The tog bite has been slow the past few days and the diamond jigging has been RED HOT!!!! We have been catching few dozen tog most trips up to 9lbs to go along with some sea bass. The sound wide really got finicky...

Wednesday, November,3,2010

Spent most of the morning searching some rock piles and all we found was very dirty water and little or no life! Kept looking and thankfully found a nice pile of fish later in the trip. 20 anglers finished up with 41 keepers to 8lbs. All the fish caught were still...