August 30, 2012

We have had some great trips mixed in with some slow trips. The jigging was excellent on a few tides and a few trips the fish were up in the shallow water making them difficult to catch. Porgies were similar with a couple really great trips and several very slow....

August 26, 2012

Well it was a fun weekend for sure on our WICC chunking Trips. Last night saw lots of very big blues again including John Papazoros’ 12.77 lbder which is currently in the lead for the Port Jefferson Prize winner!! Lets watch and see if it hold up for John....

August 25, 2012

Last nights pm wicc bluefish chunking special was a great success! Slammer Blues to 12.5 lb were landed as well as sea bass, porgies and 2 keeper striped bass. Capt Jared put in the overtime and kept the boat out till around 4 this morn! Great trip!!

August 22, 2012

Excellent day today all around. Nice catch of blues and porgies during the day and excellent jigging for blues on the afternoon trips. Fares went home with lots of fish today!!!