Fishing Reports

Tuesday, Oct 4, 2011

What a day today!!!! The am trip saw 6 anglers land 20 tog to 9.5 lbs plus 90 porgies!!!!!!!! Fine trip and nice to see some real quality tog chewin!

The pm trip was incredible and the porgies were feasting to say the least! It was an all out Bail on Jumbo porgies. Amazing trip!


Sunday Oct 2 ,2011

BAIL JOB today on the 9am-1pm trip! The middle grounds were on fire as some anglers had over 30 porgies in under two hours of fishing! Red Hot NOW at the Middle.

Capt Paul sailed with 7 anlgers on the full day. They managed around a Dozen keeper Blackfish with some very good quality but Paul remarked the water was very dirty inshore. Hopefully when the water clears up the blackfish bite should pick up nicely!

With the fantastic bottom fishing in the Middle Grounds right now, we are going to sail everyday at least through Thursday from 7am-3pm to get in on the Hot Porgie fishing. We will try again on the East End trip probably on Friday.

Saturday, Oct 1, 2011

Opening day of blackfish was yesterday! We had around a dozen keepers on a few inshore drops and then finished up with the porgies to end the day. We will continue to keep mixing in the tog drops from here on out!

Capt Chris reports they had an excellent night on the porgies and blues on the pm trip. One drop was all it took to put a real nice catch together. 10 year old George Glidersleeve had two full buckets, one filled with blues, the other with nice porgies. Way to go George!

Friday, Sept 30, 2011

Yesterday was HOT fishing!!! Just a Pick in the first part of the trip on the change of tide. Then we crushed the blues on jigs.. all you wanted!!! Second half of the trip Capt Jared set up over a huge school of porgies for a terriffic catch of big scup! what a day!

Today, Capt Chris tried a few deeper drops and a wreck to start but it was slow. He then set up in the same area as yesterday and landed around 500 scup for the day. The down tide side of the boat caught very well and the port side finished up strong as the tide eased off. Everyone went home with a nice bag of fish. Tomorrow we will begin mixing in some drops for blackfish as well as continue with the excellent bottom fishing!

Monday, Sept 26th, 2011

INSANE BAIL JOB on today school trip to the Middle Grounds! The kids had an amazing time catching all the blues you could possibly imagine in 3 drifts! What a great time.

Last nights pm charters were slow as the fish shut off on the incoming for some reason. Today thank god was incredible!

Sunday, Sept 24, 2011

Great Fishing Yesterday! Capt Chris had a great catch of porgies on the morning trip. Plenty of Super Jumbos in the mix plus lots of blues. The Jigging was red hot on the outgoing tide with all the blues up to 13lbs you could handle. The evening trips were excellent as Capt Jared slayed the blues with most of them 8-12 lbs! Great day! Blackfish starts Oct 1 !!!

Tuesday Sept 20, 2011

The bluefish action continues to be the main focus as they have been holding strong in the rips. We started off the Friday 4:30pm trip jigging, within a short time everyone had caught their fill of blues so we made a switch and finished off the evening with a pick of porgies.

Both Friday and Saturday 9:25pm chunking trips saw good bluefish action with some larger fish exceeding 10lbs. making a showing on Saturdays trip. The fall run is beginning to take shape and its time to get in on some excellent fishing.

Sunday Sept 18, 2011

The full day porgie trips were great the last few days we sailed on them with Lots of nice big porgies. The Diamond jigging has been very very good at the middle grounds as well. The evening chunking trips were excellent both friday and saturday night!! Todays trips were greatly hampered by the strong east winds and we had to cancel our pm trips. Excellent Fall fishing going on right now!!

Thursday Sept 15, 2011

Today was a repeat of the last few days on the jigging front, solid action on the incoming tide!!!! Capt Paul had the boat on the meat right away and loaded the boat with blues!!!!! Since the storm the blues have shown up in great numbers and has been solid and steady on both tides!!!

Today on the full day boat we were very happy to see much improved bottom fishing, scuppin was very good!!! Since the storm it has been very hit and miss, hopefully today was a sign of things to come.

We will be fishing every day at 7am!!!!! The 9 am day boat ends tomorrow (Friday)!!!!
Hope to see you there!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, Sept 1, 2011

Thank God, the hurricane is passed an we got through it with no damage, as we really hope all of you didas well. It was quite a storm and Port Jefferson had a lot of flooding,but it certainly could have been so much worse had the storm been any stronger. Glad that

fishing report


These are just a few of our recent Port Jefferson Fishing Reports.  Located on the north shore of Long Island, Port Jefferson is home to some of the best fishing in the sound!  Free feel to call us for the most up to date reports and we will be happy to give you the latest info!   631-928-3926