Fishing Reports

Tuesday, November,30,2010

Put together a good day today. Weather was lousy with a good stiff southeast wind all day. Nonetheless the tog bit fine as 16 anglers had over 150 tog, keeping 50 up to 8lbs. Lee was high hook with 9 keepers (orl) and the pool winner! Nice job Lee. Johnny B had 6 keepers, Capt Jack had 5. Roger, Ed and a few others all Limited out. Not bad considering the conditions!

Blown out tomorrow. Hope to get out again end of the week. Water is still in low 50's and the bite should continue hopefully for another week or two!

Sunday, November,28,2010

We were blown out last two days but today was beautiful out there! Picked away all day for around 150 tog, 55 keepers to 6.5lbs. Ned was high hook with 12 tog, 5 keepers (orl). Weather looks beauty for tomorrows Long Range trip!

We are running a Free Raffle for anyone who "likes" our new fan page on facebook. Just click the link below, "like" the page and you are automatically entered. Raffle will be December 20 for a free month of codfishing!

Here is the link:


We did not sail today. Had a nice morning yesterday with a beautiful sunrise, calm seas and good conditions. Picked away at the tog on a few wrecks and finished up with 35 keepers on the morning tide before heading home for turkey. A few of the kids on board caught some big tog which is always nice.

Saturday November,20,2010

Another good trip! Despite the gale force westerly winds today we had a very good morning as 10-12 anglers had 35 keepers to 7 plus pounds fishing in very poor conditions. We had good life on two deep water drops before calling the trip a few hours early and heading home. Several anglers limited out with Lee was high hook with 8 keepers. His buddy also had 7 keepers. (orl) Not bad at all considering the conditions!

Nice to see the fish showing well in the deep water. Hopefully some good days are ahead. Tomorrow looks very nice. Plenty of room!

Friday November,19 2010

Good day today! 16 fares had over 100 tog, 58 keepers to 7.5 lbs. Greg Archer led the way with 8 keepers(orl) Bill Kondyra had 5 keepers and many others had their limit. Solid bite all day long!

Sunday November,14 ,2010

Tog fishing was much improved today!! It has been a very hard week with all the east wind. Yesterday only saw a few dozen tog, though we did very well on Jumbo and Super Jumbo Porgies and Sea bass (by special permit).

Today finally the tog bite got back to normal and we had life on many of the pieces ranging from 50 to 100 feet of water (like its supposed to be this time of year!!)

Capt Chris ran the open boat today and had a very solid day as 30 anglers had 80 keepers to 7.8lbs. Tim and the crew from the North Star were out and put together a nice limit catch of tog. Gina and Chrissy were also out and had a limit!

We also had a charter with the Atlantis Anglers today onboard the CQ2 and put some real quality tog in the boat. On the day 21 anglers had 40 tog with several real beauties in the 9lb class and several others not too far behind!

Tomorrow looks great weather wise!

Wednesday, November,10,2010

Blown out for two days but managed to get a good trip in today. Still quite breezy out there but fishing was just fine. 10 anglers were 7 short of a limit catch today. Rich from Sea Hag fame was amazingly high hook today with 8 fine keepers (orl) and the pool fish.

Monday, November,8,2010

We did not sail today with the weather, nor tomorrow. The tog bite has been slow the past few days and the diamond jigging has been RED HOT!!!! We have been catching few dozen tog most trips up to 9lbs to go along with some sea bass. The sound wide really got finicky the past few days but that will change off this moon and once we get some better weather.

The diamond jigging has been INSANE!!! The huge fall migration is pushing through the area and it is an all out Bail job on blues to 12lbs and schoolie bass with a few keepers as well. That has been a fun way to end the trips on the way home!

Wednesday, November,3,2010

Spent most of the morning searching some rock piles and all we found was very dirty water and little or no life! Kept looking and thankfully found a nice pile of fish later in the trip. 20 anglers finished up with 41 keepers to 8lbs. All the fish caught were still very shallow 20-30 feet of water. 2 anglers had 6 keepers and several others had their limits (orl).

Monday, Novenber,1,2010

Slow pick on the togs today. shallow drops produced almost nothing. Looked around a bit and found a few, nothing great though. ended up with 34 keepers. also had 30-40 nice sea bass.

fishing report


These are just a few of our recent Port Jefferson Fishing Reports.  Located on the north shore of Long Island, Port Jefferson is home to some of the best fishing in the sound!  Free feel to call us for the most up to date reports and we will be happy to give you the latest info!   631-928-3926