Fishing Reports

Thursday, Aug 20, 2009

All out bail on the blues and bass this morning!!!!!

All the blues you wanted with many bigger sized fished mixed in. We also had 4 keeper bass and many shorts.

The big blues of the day goes to porgy rob at 11.8 LBS

The BIG MOON tide is here and the next few days should be great for jigging.

We are now on the scup grounds where we have a solid bite going around 50 fish in the boat so far.

Tues Aug 18 ,2009

Solid Day Again Today!
Returned back to the same area we fished yesterday. Picked away in the morning. It took a little poking around but once we found then it was very steady action. We had to Jig at first to clear out all the blues. We also had a keeper bass. Once we got all the blues out of the way we could scup the area. It was almost lock and load. FULL BOAT LIMIT.

High hook was around 40 scup (ORL).
SEPT 1 45 per person, It should be ON!!!!!!!!!!!
50 blues and a bass.
Great Day

Monday, Aug 17, 2009

Bottom fishing this morning was good steady action of jumbo porgies with several sea bass in the mix. 275 porkchop porgies and a dozen sea bass for thirty anglers.
Also, we found a big school of SLAMMER BLUES, many of which were in the 10 lb class! Put 40-50 blues ranging from cocktail size to ten pounders in the boat as well.

Very solid bottom fishing now as the Big Jumbos have set up shop in the deep water. Only a few booked for tomorrow if you want in on the action1

Sunday, Aug 16, 2009

In general fishing remains very solid at the middle grounds. The porgies have settled in on the rocks and in the rip. Yesterday, the am was a little slow but the midday trip was very good with high hooks upwards of 25 porgies (orl). We also have been making a few drops on the deep water wrecks when the conditions are right for some big jumbos.

We havent jigged much the past two days as the tides haven't been right. But great moon tides are coming up this week and hopefully the jigging for Bass and Blues will be hot!

Friday Aug 14, 2009

On the 7am trip this morning we had the good hard outgoing so we decided to jig. It was very steady action for most of the morning, with several bass in the mix. Nine year old Quinn won his fifth pool of the season with a 9 lb bluefish.

On the 12pm trip we made a quick pass for the blues but didn't see much so we switch over to the scup, got on em first drop. We came very close to a full boat limit.
The Scup are on the hard bottom now and building ever day.

Monday, August 11, 2009

Another good day! 7 fares had very good action on the jigs in the Middle Grounds. They also put 40 nice porgies on the boat to round out the catch. Good day!

Sunday, August 10, 2009

Middle Grounds has been alive and well! Tonight's nights trip was awesome! Bailed the BIG SLAMMER BLUES up to 12 lbs. All gaffing size! Then we headed closer to the light house and had a few more good shots on medium sized blues and some striped bass. Great night!

Sundays am trip also saw some good action on the jigs. Pete Messina was high hook with 17 blues for the half day. We had slack water in the middle of the 12 pm trip so we went porgie fishing. IT was a slow pick with about 70 scup landed for the trip. Saturday nights trips was very slow as only some short striped bass were caught. Sat AM though was very good with good action on the jigs.

Saturday August 8, 2009

Todays charter saw an all out bail job on the blues and bass.
Took a bit to get em going but once the tide started to rip it was silly action for the rest of the trip.

The size of the fish today was impressive, some blues close to 12 lbs.
Great Day!!

Sunday, Aug 2, 2009

We have been mixing it up a lot the past few days. Our last East end trip saw a few hundred fluke but keepers were hard to come by. Looks like the water warmed up enough this past week that the fluke are finally moving on. But whatever happens….that was one AMAZING run of fluke. Never have we seen those kind of numbers and size of fluke in Long Island Sound as we did this year.

This year we had more 9 lb fluke than all our other seasons combined. We had many over 8 and dozens over 7 lbs this year. The largest was 10.5 lbs. By far our best BIG fish year to date. Not to mention, never have we caught literally HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of 18 inch plus fluke like we have seen in the past 3 weeks. I never recall fluking in which anglers have put over 100 fluke per person in the boat. We had many trips in which a 10-15 anglers put 200-300 fluke 18 inches or better in the boat! Truly awesome fluking and a season I will not soon forget!

Thankfully the porgies have started to settle in off the local rockpiles and on some of our deep water drops and wrecks. This morning we put about 90 jumbo scup in the boat. We then switched over to fluke and had a lot of short action but again, tough to find keepers. The mid trip was slow as we had to move inshore with the lousy weather. We ended up with a few blues and a few porgies.

The jigging has also had its moments. Last night we had about 200 blues on the evening trip. We will continue to mix it up depending on the tides and conditions. Now is the time the Middle Grounds starts heating up and we will definitely be headed out there on a regular basis.

Wednesday, July 28, 2009

Todays charter of 23 anglers had close to 700 fluke today. The fluke were snappin good on the outgoing this morning. High hook was 80 fluke. Lots of 18-20's but enough keepers that everyone went home with dinner. Pool fish was 5 lbs.

fishing report


These are just a few of our recent Port Jefferson Fishing Reports.  Located on the north shore of Long Island, Port Jefferson is home to some of the best fishing in the sound!  Free feel to call us for the most up to date reports and we will be happy to give you the latest info!   631-928-3926