Fishing Reports

November 20, 2005

Awesome day today. Lots of limits to 10 lbs. 200 keepers today.
Chris 'crab cake'
Even Trusty Mate Pete caught a few nice ones!

November 19, 2005

Blackfishing was very good again today. Yesterday was very slow for some reason but thankfully drastically picked up today.

130 keepers to 8.5 lbs was the official count.

We plan on fishing into December or as long as the bite lasts. Just give a call if you would like to join us.

November 16, 2005

Despite 30 knots of wind and the full moon, the blackfish continue to bite well. Today 20 fares enjoyed a nice catch of 50 keepers to 9 lbs. Very windy out there but we stayed close to the beach where it was manageable.

November 13, 2005

Blackfishing has been great most days. Lots of nice fish coming over the rails. Today was a little slower than its been as it took several drops to put together a good catch. Nonetheless we finished the day with 70-80 keepers which included two very large blackfish both pushing 11 lbs. Once again 'One More Drift' out fished all the men and was high hook with 8 keepers.

Hopefully we should have a few more good weeks ahead.

November 5, 2005

Great trip with the gang from NOREAST.COM today.
Billy 262
Dave New Hampshire
Johnny Slob Tog
Johnny Slob Tog and Big Des Sr.
Luis pflallstar

October 24, 2005

Awesome day today! Everyone caught great. Several limits.

Lots of big tog to 10 lbs!!

October 21, 2005

Awesome day today!! Lots and lots of blackfish with plenty of quality in the mix. Bunch of very large sea bass as well. The bite is on !!!



George Scocca


Larry Wicker

October 20, 2005

After getting blown out for a record 13 days in a row, we finally sailed the past two days aboard our new boat!

Yesterday saw a slow pick of blackfish in lousy conditions. Today was excellent though as 120 keepers were landed up to 7 lbs! Phil Bloom led the way with 13 keepers (orl). Mike Hayman also had his limit. Great day out there and great to be fishing on the new boat!

The bite is definitely on as the water has cooled now into the low 60's. Should be very good from here on out.

October 6, 2005

The great fall fishing continues! Most days have seen a fantastic catch of mainly extra large Porgies to 3 lbs, a mix of sea bass and a few keeper blackfish. There has also been a lot of bluefish caught on clams while bottom fishing and occasionally even a keeper bass.

Also, we have had some awesome drops on a few wrecks that were stacked with fish. The wreck fishing should continue to build as the water cools.

October 1,2005

Our first blackfish trip was a success! We started out the day with a slow pick of blues waiting for the hard current to ease off a bit. We then moved to the shallow water to try for some tog. Despite the 70 degree water temp, we did manage 8 nice keepers and a bunch of shorts to 5 lbs!

As we were making our move to another tog drop a huge school of bluefish appeared out of now where. The blues were breaking all over the surface, birds everywhere. We switched back over to the jigs and proceeded to massacre the blues and then some.

After everyone had their fill, we tried one drop in deeper water on the way home. No blacks, but we did manage some big sea bass and a few scup. Great day on the water!

fishing report


These are just a few of our recent Port Jefferson Fishing Reports.  Located on the north shore of Long Island, Port Jefferson is home to some of the best fishing in the sound!  Free feel to call us for the most up to date reports and we will be happy to give you the latest info!   631-928-3926