Saturday, July 9, 2005

We didnt know what to expect today after all the bad weather. Thankfully though, the fluke were still thick and hungry today. Great day out there! 10 fares aboard easily limited out on nice fat fluke up to 6.5 lbs. The fluke are still snappin'. Bucktails and...

Friday, July 8, 2005

Did not sail today with the lousy weather. The conditions were terrible in the morning yesterday with 2-4 foot chop on B11. Miserable. We were forced to get out of the wind a bit so we headed to Smithtown bay. uckily we were able to find a decent pick of fluke to hold...

Tuesday July 5, 2005

The Fluke are still snappin' !!! Captain Andy just reported in from the evening trip: Over 100 keepers with the pool weighed in a 6.5 lbs. Captain Jack from the Prowler had an 8lbder today! Captain Chris on the day trip bailed the bass and blues in the morning and...

Saturday July 2, 2005

Well it was a fine morning…but a slow afternoon. Nice pick of fish this morning through the first of the ebb. Very picky after that. Hundreds of boats fishing the area scattered all the bait up a bit. Nice day out there anyway. Finished up with 60 keepers on the...

Friday July 1, 2005

Another Banner day of fluking!! Over 100 Keepers for 28 fares. High hook went to Scott Rio with 13 keepers (only keeping his limit). White spro's and teaser did the trick. We fished the B11 area.