Awesome Fluke action at B11 right now!!! Insane amount of fish up on the shoal. Tons of fluke, lots of throwbacks, enough mini doormat keepers to keep you going. We have had mutilple 7 lb fluke the past two days.Todays 17 person charter caught a ton of fish and kept 18. Our Pm trip saw 24 fares bail aprroximatley 200 fluke, 18 were keepers.
If you are any good at fluke fishing, especially bucktailing, you will do very well indeed. Come catch em while they are here!
Only a couple of fares for tomorrows trip. We will start the day bottom fishing for porgies and sea bass which has been solid (see Amanda's post for further verification on that). Then once the tide picks up we will hopefully get back on the fluke action.As for me, I will be joining Captain John(CQ), Capt Cary(Lori C ), and Capt Rich (Hag) for a busman's holiday codfishing for the day. Have fun to whomever shows up.We can hopefully trade great fishing reports when we return!