Here is a recap of the past few days. Sunday's trip was very good with lots of porgies and a few sea bass. Once the tide picked up we switched over to end the trip with great blue fishing. Sundays pm trip saw about a dozen blues to start the night and then a decent pick of porgies to end the night.Monday we did not sail either trip. Tuesday we did not sail on the morning trip but 5 fares had a a very good catch of porgies on the pm trip.
Wednesday morning we had a great educational fishing trip with Port Jefferson High School as tons of porgies were caught, many of which were tagged and released. We also caught some interesting sea life in the plankton seine which the students enjoyed viewing under the microscope
Great trip.We did not sail on wednedays pm or either trip on thursday. Weather looks pretty bad for the next few days. When the wind dies down we look forward to getting back out there for some great fishing again.