Bottom fishing has been on fire the past 2 days. Yesterday we had close to 2000 porgies on the day, over 1000 keepers!! (only retaining our limit) Some fishing right now!
Today was the final day of fluke for two weeks. We started off with a BAIL JOB on the porgies. Full boat limit for 20 anglers in no time. Fluking was slow most of the day, though Capt Chris found a decent amount of fluke to end the day and put 8 keepers and a bunch of shorts in the boats to end the trip.
Here is Chris' report from yesterday as well. Bring the kids. Now is the time!
"Steamin' in now on trip #2 for the day, the only word to describe today's porgy action is SILLY.
The 7am trip started out on the slow side, after a little looking around we located the mother load and put 450 fish on in one hours time. Just about as good as it can get. The best and most fun porgy fishing I have seen in a while.
On the 12pm trip the scup were right were we left them biting this morning, we picked up right were we left off and limited again in no time.
Clam down – SCUP UP!!!!!!!!!!
This fishing should hold up like this for a few weeks.
capt chris