Here is a report form John Viol who was on the boat today:
My good friend Dan and i decided to Join the C.Q. on yesterdays trip. As we were heading to the fishing ground Capt. Chris announced that we were going to try for Tog first, but he quickly added that there were giant Porgies and some quality Seabass on these pieces as well for those who wanted to fish with clams. We hit about 5 or so pieces finding life on every one of them. The Porgies were huge, all in the 2/34 – 3+ lb class. The Seabass were equally impressive. Each piece that we fished held a few quality Blackfish, and on the third piece i nailed the pool winning Tog which pushed the scales down to just shy of 8 lbs. By the end of the day everyone on board had enough fillets for at least a few quality meals. The Weather "especially in the morning" was beautiful with flat calm water for most of the day. As Always, Capt. Chris and Crew were on top of their game, always there whenever you needed them. Really a top notch operation. Get out there for a great mixed bag of truly quality fish. I know i'll be back next week.