Sorry for the late reports here. Been so busy on the boat everyday slaying giant fish that I couldnt get to my computer! 🙂
Fishing remains absolutely fantastic for Porgies. Every trip the past few days has seen lots of jumbos and all the kids are having a blast! Many fish have weighed in over 3 lbs. We are also seeing a few sea bass and last night we even caught 6 nice blackfish! (all released) Super fishing right now on these trips as the scup have piled in on the beaches. This should hopefully last a few more weeks. Dont wait till its over. Now is the time!
Fluking locally has been decent on the ebb tide. A nice body of fish settled in on one area the past few days. The morning tide has been quite good. We will get back to our full day trips tomorrow and are headed out east again on Tuesday.