Fishing Reports

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Its getting close guys!! Tons of life out there and anyday now they will really turn on. We had 45-50 fluke yesterday keeping 4 to 6 lbs. Ken scott was high hook with 13 fluke. Freddy azaiter won the pool weighed in at 6 lbs and wins 3 free trips for catching the first 6lb fluke of the season. (see below) Congrats Freddie!

Brian Roberts with his mom Jen on Mothers day!

Sunday, May1 ,2011

Well, the good news is the stage is set for another great fluke season! Tons of sandeels have arrived and there are terns eveywhere. The draggers are catching plenty of big fluke but for us today they just didnt bite. We had close to 20"shorts" but no keepers. any day now they will turn on!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Bite was slower today. Tried a new area in some shallow water and found no life. Headed back out to the deeper and found some life to end the trip, but nothing great. Try again tomorrow!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Looks like the tog finally started to wake up with the water temp increasing. Caught around 20 keepers today and several dozen more shorts on both shallow and deep drops!

Come on out for the one week season!

Monday, March 14, 2011

We finally sailed again today! Slayed the shorts. Hundreds of fish came over the rails with a mix of keepers. Most guys managed between 5-10 keepers and dozens of shorts. Big Glenn Daily won the pool with a 20lb Beauty cod and is currently in the lead to win the rodwinder custom rod!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Similar fishing as yesterdays trip with crazy action during the night, with a pick of keepers. Capt Paul got set up on the first drop and got out the chum and was able to keep the bite going for several hours. Tons and tons of shorts with lock and load action. By trips end most were able to put together a decent catch.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Solid codfishing today. Silly action during the night with tons of shorts with a nice mix of keepers. Here is a report from FishermanGeorge that was psoted on

Good Afternoon Fellow Noreasters: Went Codfishing on the Celtic Quest out of Montauk with Capt.Chris LaMastro of the Michael J, Hank, & Kelly with Capt.Paul Risi running the boat today for Capt.Desi Sullivan. The Weatherman said Cloudy Skies today with a High Temperature of 39 Degrees. The Marine Forecast called for East Winds at 5-10 Knots, Seas of 1 Foot or Less, & we were fishing on the New Moon Tide. We left my home at 7:30 P.M. & ended up arriving at Montauk by 9:40 P.M. Of course it was Mandatory to make a stop at the 711 for Coffee.

The Celtic Quest departed at 11:00 P.M. Sharp headed for the Codfishing Grounds, getting there at about 1:40 A.M. On our very 1st Drop we fished for approximately 3 1/2 Hours Drifting. Although there happened to be quite a few short Codfish with Keepers in between, the bite in the dark was solid, with alot of action from Bow to Stern. Rods were bending all over, but the boat was well prepared having 4 Mates to work the deck. Either Chris, Hank, Kelly, or yours truly, always had a fish on. It was absolutely great getting back with the guys again, especially Kelly, who I haven't seen for many months. Even after the bite slowed down, there were some great flurries of action on the 2nd Drop that Capt.Paul made. All 4 of us easily limited out, & there were plenty of fillets to go around.

I'd like to thank Capt.Paul Risi for putting us on the fish today. Also special thanks to Mates Chris, JP,Jarod & Tom for helping me get on & off the boat. Many thanks to Chris for driving, getting us there & back safely, & Chris, Hank, & Kelly for their help in carrying my stuff. Hoping to see all of you out there while the Codfish Bite is Red Hot. Until Then, Please Keep Safe Out There, Catch Them Fish, & GOD BLESS…..

Sunday, Feb 27, 2011

Awesome trip yesterday. Slow bite in the heavy snow and rain at night and an all out BAIL during the morning on the drift!! Savage fishing now!!! Here is a report from Rob( aka Togilator) that he posted on

Pulled out of dock at 8:37 PM Saturday night to start the long steam to the grounds southeast of Block Island. Had some interesting anchoring difficulties but we got set up quickly. As I walked out the door we were greeted with some heavy snow which turned to rain sometime in the middle of the night. The epic night bail job was a slow grind in some wet miserable conditions. Many stuck it out as the smart ones (not me) took a snooze in the cabin. Des and crew moved several times during the night with the last drop being quite productive. Capt.Paul through heavy chum all night long which aided in putting fish in the boat.

A good amount of Party and charter boats out there with many sitting on the hook and others drifting. Des decided to get in line and join the drift party after sun up. We again picked good but no bail job. Around 8:00 AM we had a strategy session and we talked of hitting a few wrecks. Captain Paul was now up at the helm as JC and Des talked, I proceeded to catch a two sets of keeper double headers and Des Thought what to do. Next drift the entire port side rods are bent quickly followed by the starboard side and we were not going anywhere other then back to the front of the drift line. You could here Pablo yelling from all aroud the boat, theres a man that enjoys fishing no matter what he catches. Veteran surf nerd Jaybass even tagged a limit but decided to only keep what he needed.My good buddy Josh (lijrtt) was allowed out and put on a show.

After about 2 hrs of sick fishing Des asked how many more drifts we wanted to make. At this point coolers were full and many people had called it quits with sore back and arms. We made one more last drift for good times sake, I think every rod was bent on that last drift, just sick fishing. Sometime around 10:00 AM we pulled out of the fleet and the bow ot the CQ was pointed towards home.I was a little worried when I saw Cris Hunt and fish sitting in the Captains chair, thought we might land in portugal.Captain Des was rite there doing the daily paper work.Went in the cabin to grab a few beers and there must of been 20 guys sleeping.I guess all them cod wore the charter out.Good to see everyone had smiles on there face and another trip was heading into the memory books.A great trip with plenty of good fisherman and a lot of laughs.Most fish today were 22 to 28 inches nothing big but plenty of them.Fresh shucked clam was the ticket but the fish were feeding on small hering and jigs did work also.

Many thanks to the Celtic Quest team Captain Desmond, Paul, Chris, JP and Tommy Thats some experianced azz kiken crew rite there.Also a big thankyou to Bernadette who takes all our phone calls and reservations.I can not forget our fearless leader,my good friend JC30967 who sets up these incredible trips and dosent mind driving the truck on the way home.We cant thank RALPH RODWINDER enough for his generosity of bulding 2 spectacular custom cod rods for the pool prizes.A true gentleman and incredible rod builder to say the least.

Fishing is as good as it gets now and with March here tommorow the end of the Block cod season will be coming soon.Get out now before its to late and give the CELTIC QUEST a shot,they will put you on the meat.They are some of the best in the business!!!!!



Thursday, Feb 24, 2011

Another total Bail job today!!! A very good pick in the dark and once the sun came up the bite was really savage!!! Silly fishing!!! Come and get em guys. Who knows how long this will last but it

Wednesday, Feb 23, 2011

SAVAGE fishing again today!!!! Slayed the cod!!!!!!!!!! What more can we say!!! Capt. Paul anchored up on a pile, put the chum over and proceeded to BAIL cod until everyone had more than enough!!!! Yes, it is very very good right now!

fishing report


These are just a few of our recent Port Jefferson Fishing Reports.  Located on the north shore of Long Island, Port Jefferson is home to some of the best fishing in the sound!  Free feel to call us for the most up to date reports and we will be happy to give you the latest info!   631-928-3926