Fishing Reports

Wednesday , May 9, 2007

Blackfishing was much improved today! Plenty of nice sized tog today up to 6.8 lbs. Lots of life on the pieces compared to last week. Nice to see the bigger fish finally chewin'.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

We did not sail over the weekend and have been doing educational trips the last few days. Today we did some seining for plankton and towed a dredge for some bottom samples. Dan, our local expert did a great job teaching all the kids about the local marine life. Below are a few pictures of the plankton taken from the microscope we set up in the cabin.

We will be doing these educational trips all week with the exception of Wednesday and Sunday. Plenty of room on those days if you would like to join us for some Tog fishing!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Just wanted say thanks to everyone who made yesterdays seminar trip such a great success. Thanks Togmaster, EC, and Noreast for all the support and choosing to host the seminar on our boat. We really appreciate it. It is a great concept and I hope everyone walked away with some new ideas. Hopefully we can do it again sometime.

Thankfully a few blacks finally started to bite. LuckyLindy led the way with a 6lb black. Linda 'Lady Reeler' Tuttle was a close second. I think the only guys who didnt catch anything were Togmaster and EC Newelman!! Just kidding. Actually, they spent their time walking around the boat offering some great advice on how to catch blackfish.

It has been a real late season this year but as the water continues to warm looks like we should have a good week of blackfishing coming up.

April 26, 2007

It has been a very slow start to the season, but things are looking up! We began on April 20 and fished the next three days. The water temp was a chilling 40.7 degrees when we began and there was very little life on the wrecks.

Thankfully with the week of warm weather water temps have now risen into the high 40's and the blackfish are starting to stir. On account of the slow fishing we decided not to sail for a few days but we did fish yesterday and found a lot more life compared to the week prior. It wasn't great fishing by any means, but 6 fares did manage 7 keepers and 20 shorts which was a lot better than catching next to nothing like the week before.

Just getting started and the bite should continue to improve with these warmer temps. We are sailing everyday for blackfish. Plenty of room on all trips. Just give a call if you would like to join us.

Also if anyone is interested in setting up a blackfish charter for up to 4 guys on the Celtic Quest III, just let me know.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Togs are still chewin!!!
We did not sail for a few days. Today we got out with 7 fares plus crew. 65 keepers up to 9 lbs were landed on the day. Solid bite all day long despite the strong wind and moon.
We will be sailing through Sunday December 10. Just give a call if you would like to join us before its over!

Friday, December 1, 2006

Awesome day out there yesterday. Togs were biting their heads off before the blow. Lots of limit catches around the boat with the pool fish around 9 lbs.
As a result of the great fishing and warm water temps, we have extended our season and will be fishing through the weekend of December 10.

Tuesday, November 28,2006

Today the blackfish were snappin good. We captured over 230 keeper size whitechins. The pool fish was 9.5 lbs and high hook was 18 (orl).
Awesome day. One of the best trips of the season!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Decent catch of tog again today. Nice pick on most drops today in 60-90 feet of water. 120 keepers were landed with several in the 8-10 lb class. My mom even landed an 8 lbder!
We will be sailing everyday till at least Sunday December 3. Plenty of room if you would like to join us. Just give a call.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Togs are still chewin' !!!
Blown out for a few days. Today was beautiful though after the wind laid down. We had some good action as 140 blackfish were landed for the day.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Very good blackfishing continues. 175 keepers yesterday. 175 keepers today. Five fish this week have weighed in over 10 lbs including two close to 12lbs! Dont know how long it will last. Hopefully at least another week or two.
Rich 12 lbs

fishing report


These are just a few of our recent Port Jefferson Fishing Reports.  Located on the north shore of Long Island, Port Jefferson is home to some of the best fishing in the sound!  Free feel to call us for the most up to date reports and we will be happy to give you the latest info!   631-928-3926