Fishing Reports

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Hello there everyone. Today was scheduled to be our first fluke trip of the season but unfortunately it was cancelled due to the weather.

The blackfishing slowed down a lot this week so we decided to make the switch over to fluke. There have been some nice fish in our area, as some of the local commercial fisherman have caught fluke to 12lbs the past few days right off Port Jefferson! Hopefully we can capture a few of these North Shore Doormats ourselves!

Also, we will be doing our Striped Bass Specials for as long as the good spring run lasts leaving every afternoon at 4:30 pm and returning at 9pm.

These trips will feature a combination of chunking, drifting worms, clam chumming, diamond jigging….whatever it takes to load up on bass.

Hope to see you soon!

May 15,2005

Blackfishing was picky Friday and Saturday with 15 to 20 keepers on each trip.

Today 4 fares had 14 keepers. Lots of little ones to fish through but at least everyone went home with a few nice fish for dinner.

We are going to blackfish one more week.

Still some nice fish around.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

We did not sail today due to the forecast but yesterday saw a nice pick of blackfish in beautiful conditions.

over 50 keepers were landed to 6lbs. Green crabs worked well today for the first time this year.

Nice light tides coming up this week. Should be good!

Sunday, May 8, 2005

This week blackfishing ranged from excellent to just a pick. Fish were a little hard to figure out as to why they bite so well some days but not on others. And so it goes….

Nonetheless, even the slow days saw 20 plus fish with plenty of nice size fish in the mix.

Monday was the best day of the week with over 200 fish for 8 fares, over 50 of which were keepers. Great all around day.

Wednesday was also good with 65 keepers to 7 lbs.

Thursday was much slower but we still managed 24 keepers on the day.

Friday saw 15 nice keepers come up on the first drop before the weather really turned lousy and we called it a day.

Both Saturday and Sunday were cancelled due to the weather.

We will be blackfishing for hopefully another two weeks. Should be good this week coming up if you would like to join us. Thanks and see you soon.

Monday, May 9,2005

With the windy forecast and the hard moon tide, we though it was going to be a hard day…..

Turned out to be beautiful though and despite the tide we had a very decent day of blackfishing.

Ended the day with close to 50 keepers to 6 lbs. Onaldo Pedro on his first ever blackfish trip had 8 keepers. Not too shabby Onaldo! Phil Bloom had 7 keepers. Nice pick all day.

May 2, 2005

Well…….today was that long awaited day…..

The one we have been waiting for when the blackfish finally decided to bite their heads off!!

Great fishing today. 8 fares had over 50 keepers most of which came off one drop.

Great action to go with plenty of quality sized blackfish as at least 150 shorts were released.

Rob Lupinacci led the way catching his limit of 10. Fish were hungry today. You knew it when you had a bite.

The blackfish have definitely turned on to say the least. Beautiful day out there.

Thankfully the wind held off until the afternoon. Plenty of room all week for those who would like to get in on some great blackfishing while it lasts.

May 1, 2005

Well…. we sailed 4 trips this week despite the lousy weather. It wasn't the most exciting week of blackfishing but I think better days are ahead.

Every trip saw a dozen to 20 keepers with some nice fish starting to show up. The pieces are staring to come to life a bit more as the water warms.

Everything seems about week behind what it was last year so we are hoping that this week the bite will improve.
Maybe tomorrow we will bail them!

April 19, 2005

Well hello there everyone! This is our first email of the year. Hope you all survived the hard winter Ok. We are very excited to begin the 2005 season. Times flies. Seems like yesterday that we were catching blackfish on the final cold days of November.

But here we are ready for what hopefully will be another great season. Myself and our crew have worked very hard for the past two months getting the boat spruced up. Just finished the final touches this week and we are ready to go!

The water has warmed up quickly the last few weeks. As we brought the boat home from the Greenport shipyard on Sunday, the surface temp was up to as much as 47 degrees in certain parts of the sound which is around the temperature that the blackfish start to stir. A few of the local lobstermen have started seeing blackfish in their pots this week which is a positive sign. Looks like we should be right on time with our seasons first trip this Saturday April 23.

We will be sailing everyday at 7 am for blackfish for the next 2-3 weeks. Once the fluke show up we will switch over, most likely sometime around mid May. Just give a call if you would like to join us. We really look forward to seeing you all again. Hope you are all doing well. Lets go catch some fish!!

March, 2005

We are getting ready for the 2005 fishing season. We will be starting in mid April for Spring Blackfish. We are now accepting reservations for private charters. Just give a call for more details. See you soon.

fishing report


These are just a few of our recent Port Jefferson Fishing Reports.  Located on the north shore of Long Island, Port Jefferson is home to some of the best fishing in the sound!  Free feel to call us for the most up to date reports and we will be happy to give you the latest info!   631-928-3926