Fishing Trips off Port Jefferson, Long Island:
A Form of Meditation

Fishing on Long Island provides visitors with miles of spectacular shoreline and a wide variety of fishing experiences. The Celtic Quest Fishing fleet in Port Jefferson, NY, provides many options for dynamic and memorable days at sea for individuals, families, celebrations and corporate groups.

Celtic Quest started welcoming guests aboard its beautiful fishing vessels in 2002, when the O’Sullivan family, long-time members of the Port Jefferson community, founded the company. 

While many think of fishing as a hobby or a day to get away, fishing offers so many benefits for your mind, body and soul. 

The sound of waves crashing on the beach has always been a sound favored by those trying to relax. The sounds of the water lapping up against the side of the boat can also be very rhythmic and relaxing. 

Did you know that fishing can easily put someone in a meditative state? It’s true!

The friendly, knowledgeable Celtic Quest Fishing crew takes care of you from the moment you step aboard. Rods, reels and bait—along with full instructions—are provided.  

Aboard the boats in the Celtic Quest Fishing fleet, you are taken out to see where you can cast your line and begin to let any stresses go.

At the same time that fishing is relaxing, the activity also requires you to turn up your focus level. 

As you take in the salt air and watch the clouds float by, you must also keep an eye on the task at hand!

Got a bite? Reel it in!

Need to recast your line? Pay attention to that, too.

The repetition of casting and reeling in (even when nothing is biting). With your focus on the fishing pole, the bait, the line, your mind can let go of its inner monologue and simply be still. 

Of course, pursuing fishing in Port Jefferson as a hobby is one way to tune into your inner creative mind.  It offers a healthy way to escape from the stress of the world.

As you wait for the fish to take the bait, you focus on the water, the sky, and the shoreline along beautiful north shore of Port Jeff. It can be a time for you to be alone with your thoughts or laugh with your friends and family. 

If you reserve a Celtic Quest charter, you’ll get to interact with your colleagues in a whole new way!

Before you know it, hours have gone by and it’s time to return to dry land. 

Fishing off the North Shore of Long Island becomes an activity that can reduce your anxiety and have long-term positive effects on your mental health. This relaxing sport can lower your body’s level of cortisol, which is the stress hormone.

At Celtic Quest Fishing, we offer many opportunities for you to head out to sea and take advantage of the meditative qualities a fishing trip can bring. 

Contact us today at 631-928-3926 to schedule a voyage on one of our amazing fishing boats! 

fishing report
