Fishing Reports

Saturday, March 6, 2010

INCREDIBLE today!!! FUll boat limit and many more (orl) by 7:45 am!!!! Lot of teen sized stuff, several in the twenties and even a few approaching 30 lb!!! Insane!!

Guys, this video and this report from one of our customers who was aboard today says it all! AMAZING!!
This morning myself and my buds Mark and Tom had just the most unbelievable lock and load cod fishing aboard the Celtic Quest. Desi put the hooks down once and we never had to move. At first light the fish bit well enough. If the bite stayed like it was then for the rest of the day it would have been good fishing leading to many limits. Instead, the fish very quickly got better and nice size cod began coming over the rails at a lock and load pace. By 8 am most had limits.

Then it happened…I cant find words to say how incredibly sick the bite was between 8am and 9am. It was literally hit bottom and lock up on a fish immediately! If you wanted a double header just wait a few seconds after you hook a fish before starting to crank. It was double headers at will. At 9 am my two fishing partners and I had easily caught over 75 to 80 cod. At 9am with the bite still insane. We pulled the hook and headed in with big smiles! We had lots of fish that were in the 15lb range and there were 5 or 6 fish on the boat that were in the 30lb range…monsters. tHE FISHING WAS SO INSANE …my buddy Mark snapped a rod trying to lift a fish and the guy next to him lost his rod over board trying to do the same. Celtic Quest Cod Chaos!!!… it was unbelievable.

Thanks for a great day Desi, Paul and Amanda!!!

March 2, 2010

Very good day today! Capt Paul just reported in to say that 16 fares had a nice steady bite on the drift all morning. Some nice gaffers in the mix as well. High hooks well into the teens. (orl) Beautiful day out there. Weather looks great for the end of the week and weekend. Give a call if you want to get in on the action!

Saturday Feb 20, 2010

We had the gang out for a day of codfishing. The morning bite was savage, where we put 220 keepers in the boat with just as many shorts. The mid day bite slowed down, but the cod began to bite their heads off once again in the early afternoon, which led to a full boat limit. High hook was 25 keepers ORL. As always it was a great time with the Noreast gang!!!

Here is a report from Propellar John who posted this on

Capt. Paul put us on the meat today. there was a couple of hundred keepers by 8am for 35 of us noreast boys. and by the finish a full boat limit. i shuffled through over 50 cod myself with 15 chunky keepers (ORL). the cod were hard on the clam & i only saw one short caught on a jig. all fishing was at anchor. it was an awesome day with thanks to glenn ( CANYONFVR) and all the laughs and great food & beverage. met a bunch of great noreast bros.crew Tommy & Travis were on top of things. thank you. 2 thumbs up for Capt. Paul and the Celtic quest. Montauk's finest.

see you, CIAO, john.

Saturday, Feb 13, 2010

Great day today!!!
Started with a slow pick around dawn. The bite built up and was excellent for the rest of the morning. That bite slowed around noon and we headed east a bit to finish up with some RED HOT drifts on the open bottom. Great way to end what was already a very good day! Many limits reached and then some. Some nice quality fish in the teens as well.

Saturday, Feb 5, 2010

Another very good day yesterday. Anchored up on a nice piece of bottom. Chummed em up for a half an hour and built up a good bite for the rest of the day.

The fish came in waves and by days end, we put together a very good catch. Noreast's very own Sal Amendolia, along with his trusty friends Bob and Bill put together over 30 keepers (orl). High hooks had their limits and then some. All in all and nice day out there with lots of cod!

Tuesday, Feb 2, 2010

Another very good catch today. The morning bite on anchor didnt happen where it has been hot. Looked around and found plenty of fish to work on the rest of the day on the drift.
Plenty of limits and then some(orl) great day!

Monday, Feb 1, 2010

Im sure you all have heard by now, the codfishing was awesome for the entire fleet out there yesterday!

We made one drop for the day to catch all we needed. Started out as a slow pick at sun up and built from there. by 9am it was lock and load. Pull anchor around noon and made a few drifts on the open bottom for a few more before calling a day.

Most everyone who braved the elements had their limit and then some. Bruce Coleran was high hook with 20 fish. (orl) Pool fish in the teens.

Great day. video from the trip is now up at

Sailing tomorrow. Weather looks great for the next few days.. Plenty of room.

Thursday, Jan 28th, 2010

Some weather this week!

We did manage to get off the dock with a few guys yesterday. The bite was way off from what it had been though.

12 fares had around 80 cod on the day keeping 24 and that took a lot of work to put together.

We didnt sail today and tomorrow is cancelled. We are all sold out for the rest of the weekend but have plenty of room again starting monday.

Give us a call if you would like to join us! thanks

January 24th, 2010

Very good day today. decent moring bite and an very very good afternoon bite. Here is a report from on of our customers that was posted on

From Kaifish:
went on the celtic quest sunday weather was great in the morning started acting toward the afternoon. sun up bite was good landed prob 25 to 30 keepers on 1-2 drifts then soon after turned to a pick. we had capt paul at the helm today ( for those who have sailed on the tradewinds know he always gives 110 % ) today was no different must of made 15 – 20 drops, constantly looking for the bigger better patch of fish. afternoon bite was great prob put on 80 keepers in the last hour alone. Had the pleasure of having Capt walter from the fishfinder on deck today service was excellent. Most fish caught on bait I had 2 on jig.had a great time thanks to capt and crew

Tuesday , January 20, 2010

A Great trip today! Capt Paul just checked in at 11 am to say they have a full boat limit of cod already and then some.
They made two drops and the best bite again was in the dark before the sun came up. The 1 am sail time paid off again.
High hook was Whey An with over 40 cod, 20 keepers (orl) Great fishing now!

fishing report


These are just a few of our recent Port Jefferson Fishing Reports.  Located on the north shore of Long Island, Port Jefferson is home to some of the best fishing in the sound!  Free feel to call us for the most up to date reports and we will be happy to give you the latest info!   631-928-3926