Fishing Reports

Saturday, October 4, 2008

We did not sail on thursday or friday due to the weather. Much better conditions today!

We tried a few drops up near the beach to start the day but only had a few tog as well as some porgies and sea bass. Stopped on another wreck which had some nice sea bass and 2 more blackfish. Moved off to some rock piles and caught a ton of porgies and a few sea bass. Tried another wreck and again had lots of big porgies. Total for the day – hundreds of big porgies , some nice sea bass to 4lbs and a few blackfish. Plenty of room tomorrow if you would like to get in on the action!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008 Opening Day!!!

A great success!!!
11 fares plus 4 crew had a great day today as 42 keeper tog were landed on the day. A few of the drops also had all the porgies you wanted as well as some sea bass. Stopped off in the deep water to top the buckets off with a some big jumbo porgies. A great way to start the blackfish season.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Awesome fishing right now!! Hundreds and hundreds of porgies leaping in the boat today! (Only Retained Limit) Middle Grounds is packed with fish!
Blackfish starts tomorrow!!! Only two people signed up so far 🙁
We are going no matter what. Cant imagine missing opening day. Winds are light, conditions are good.
Come on down!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Finally got a break in the weather and sailed for the first time since Wednesday. Fishing was a slaughter on the am trip!!!Many anglers had their limit in only 2 hours of fishing!
Clam down…Porgy UP !!!Giant Scup!!

Oh my !!The mid day trip had a decent catch of big scup as well with a few sea bass in the mix. The fish are really chewin right now!!
Blackfish starts on Wednesday!Add a few nice tog and sea bass to the awesome porgie fishing and it should be a lot of fun!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Here is a recap of the past few days. Sunday's trip was very good with lots of porgies and a few sea bass. Once the tide picked up we switched over to end the trip with great blue fishing. Sundays pm trip saw about a dozen blues to start the night and then a decent pick of porgies to end the night.Monday we did not sail either trip. Tuesday we did not sail on the morning trip but 5 fares had a a very good catch of porgies on the pm trip.

Wednesday morning we had a great educational fishing trip with Port Jefferson High School as tons of porgies were caught, many of which were tagged and released. We also caught some interesting sea life in the plankton seine which the students enjoyed viewing under the microscope
Great trip.We did not sail on wednedays pm or either trip on thursday. Weather looks pretty bad for the next few days. When the wind dies down we look forward to getting back out there for some great fishing again.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Silly fishing today. Our day trip saw a great catch of big porgies and then slayed the blues to end the trip. Our pm trip was a bloodbath as tons of blues were caught as well as a bunch of bass, 2 of which were keepers. Some of the blues were quite large up to 10 lbs. The entire rip from south of the lighthouse all the way north for over a mile was loaded with fish.
Great night!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Only 3 people showed up for the pm trip last night but it was such a nice evening and fishing has been so good we decided to go anyway. We slayed all the blues they could want to start the trip then switched over to porgies. Put the chum down and built up an excellent bite as double header porgies were coming over the rail in no time.Headed for home with lots of fish and fond memories!
Great fishing now!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Here is a report from Capt Neil who fished with us on Tuesday PM trip and posted this on

"Well, I sure had a fantastic evening fishing, catching and enjoying everything about the trip. Capt Chris put us over marauding blues, cocktails to bubbas! It was during this blitz that a fish picked up my jig as soon as I lifted it off the bottom. Knew I was in trouble when I saw the reel spool just about emptied, and fast! My trusty and proven MAXIMIZER #1 and Stradic 400 combination was gaining line back on the spool when under the boat the fish takes off again. I managed to get to the stern and realized the line might be caught under the stern. Line goes slack, Capt Paul comes from the other side of the boat and throws an ALBIE at my feet that weighed about 8-10 lbs. Holy Toledo!

After the tide and bite slowed down Capt Chris took us to a porgy spot. Right away 'pork chops" coming over the rail. I kept the biggest and my bride and I will have a tasty porgy dinner tomorrow.A beautiful night to be on the water with a beautiful sunset. Thank you Capts Chris and Paul! "

We did not sail on Monday nor the Am trip on Tuesday due to the weather. Fihsing is great now!!!
THe jigging has been all out! The porgies are very large and hungry.
Love this time of year!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Most trips continue to be awesome!!!
Yesterday's first two trips saw an excellent catch of very big Porgies! The pm trip had a few hits on the blues and a pick of porgies and sea bass to end the night. Today's charter was excellent!!!

Lots and lots of very large porgies with some anglers easily landing their limit. On the way home we stopped on the blues for a nice little bail job to end the trip. 70-80 foot piles of blues were north of B11 in the deep water. All you wanted! Tomorrow looks like a blow out.
Try again maybe on the pm trip or tuesday.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Here is a report from one of our customers from yesterdays trip.

"Slow pick in the AM.. But then it started. My first fish was a 5 lb Sea Bass then some big Scup. We only had (9) fisherman and still we filled up 4 totes with fish. While fishing for Scup we also hauled up 6 or 7 big blues on Scup rigs, from 3 lbs to 8 lbs. That was a lot of fun on those light rods. Lots of action and plenty of fish to take home, what more could you ask for. Desi thanks again for another fine day.
Can't wait for BLACK FISH SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

fishing report


These are just a few of our recent Port Jefferson Fishing Reports.  Located on the north shore of Long Island, Port Jefferson is home to some of the best fishing in the sound!  Free feel to call us for the most up to date reports and we will be happy to give you the latest info!   631-928-3926