Fishing Reports

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sorry for the long delay in fishing reports! Things have been a little busy lately. Fishing remains very good on most trips right now. The porgie bite off of Old Field has been awesome on some days. We have been anchoring up with heavy chum with very good success. The hard moving tide has been the best. Diamond jigging has been a little hit and miss the past few days. One trip you slam them, the next trip they have been hard to find. But the good trips are very good if you find them.

Capt Chris did a little exploratory trip to the Middle Grounds earlier in the week and had very good catch of Porgies and sea bass. Look like that area is starting to heat up as well.Good fishing now.Hope to see you!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fishing has been great!! Today fishing went from good to ludicrous on the last of the ebb.There was a solid mile of blues and bass and all ten fares easily limited out on blues by 8:30. Had a dozen short bass, no keepers. Released a bunch more and then switched to bottom fishing and limited out on big porgies!! What a day. I love when its like this.

Took one token fluke drift to end the trip. Had a mess of shorts, 1 nice keeper, called it a terrific day and went home.Last night was an insane bail job as well. All the big blues you wanted plus a few nice bass to 24 lbs plus a bunch of big scup.Below is a picture of the fish finder as we came over the hill. It speaks for itself as to how many fish are on the shoal right now. Who knows how long it will last, but it is all out right now!!

Video from todays trip we be up on the site this evening. @

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fishing is great right now!!!!
The diamond jigging has been on fire the past few trips. Last night we bailed the blues right in the inlet all night. Today it was great on the shoal. Tonight's trip was a bail job off Old Field!Even had a few keeper bass to 24 lbs in the mix!

Porgie fishing has ranged from an all out bail job to a pick of medium to Jumbo sized pork chops!Put it together with the great jigging and we have seen some great action packed trips as of late. Great trips for the kids.Fluking has slowed a bit the past two days but lets see what happens the next few days.

Friday, Aug 1, 2008

Great trip today! 25 anglers had 250- 300 fluke, 35 were keepers as well as dozens of blues and porgies.

Pool fish was a beautiful 8.5 lb fluke. George led the way landing his limit on his secret bait as did Roger who limited out on fluke as well.We started the day on the west side of the shoal as piles of blues and porgies were on the edge of the shoal. Then we moved to the east side of the shoal and that is where we had the best fluke action. The first of the ebb was the best (as it usually is) as the fluke really started snappin. Both bait and bucktail rigs caught well. Plenty of room for this weekend. Give a call if you want in on the action.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Great day out there today. Only 5 fares today and they enjoyed great action all day long. The shoal had a ton of life on it as we finished the day with over 50 fluke, 13 were keepers, 40 nice porgies as well as 30 blues.

A lot of fish for 5 people!Fun day.Bring the kids out! The action is fantastic right now!

Tuesday, July 29,2008

Awesome Fluke action at B11 right now!!! Insane amount of fish up on the shoal. Tons of fluke, lots of throwbacks, enough mini doormat keepers to keep you going. We have had mutilple 7 lb fluke the past two days.Todays 17 person charter caught a ton of fish and kept 18. Our Pm trip saw 24 fares bail aprroximatley 200 fluke, 18 were keepers.

If you are any good at fluke fishing, especially bucktailing, you will do very well indeed. Come catch em while they are here!
Only a couple of fares for tomorrows trip. We will start the day bottom fishing for porgies and sea bass which has been solid (see Amanda's post for further verification on that). Then once the tide picks up we will hopefully get back on the fluke action.As for me, I will be joining Captain John(CQ), Capt Cary(Lori C ), and Capt Rich (Hag) for a busman's holiday codfishing for the day. Have fun to whomever shows up.We can hopefully trade great fishing reports when we return!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

This past week saw some very good porgy fishing on a few of the trips off Old Field. 20-25 feet of water on the rocks had some good sized scup. The hard moving current either direction was the best. Action slowed for Saturday's trips. The CQIII had some good action on bunker chunks though as many very large blues were landed.

Fluking has been excellent the past few days at B11 and B9. Tons of fish mostly 18-20 inches but enough keepers to go around. This mornings trip saw lots of fluke with some anglers landing over ten fluke in no time with a few keepers in the mix. The rest of the day was cancelled due to the weather. We will continue to follow these fluke for as long as we can.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

This week saw mixed results. The fluke fishing saw lots of action on nice sized fluke but the mini doormat keepers were tough to come by. We had some very good action on the porgies on several trips, especially on the afternoon trips. There are a lot of 10 inch fish in the mix but plenty of keepers as well with the occasional jumbo to go with a few sea bass. The diamond jigging was been a pick as the fish are very scattered up on the shoal. A few of the trips on the outgoing tide did ok near B11.

We will be sailing on our East End Fluke Special tomorrow. Plenty of room if you would like to join us!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

We sailed on our East End FLuke Special today. COnditions were excellent for a change as we had a nice drift for most of the day. We picked away at the fluke all trip mostly on bucktails. 16 fares plus Capt James and his brother from the Rosie finished the day with approximately 125 fluke, 26 which were keepers, plus 30 blues. Mr Chen won the pool with a 6 lbder. Capt James has been practicing a lot recently and was high hook with 20 fluke, 5 of which were keepers. (orl) Will post some pictures later.

Yesterdays am trip was very slow as the keeper fluke were hard to come by and the jigging was not much better.Luckily the pm trip as great though as it was one stop shopping all night! 600-800 porgies were caught, 250-300 of which were keepers.A great trip for all the families and kids!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The am trip yesterday started with some fluking around B11. Had action with the shorts but the keepers were hard to come by. Switched to diamond jigs and had a decent pick of blues to finish out the trip.The mid day trip saw a few blues on jigs to start.

Once we lost the tide though it was over. Then we decided to try out in some deeper water drops for porgies and sea bass. One wreck only had a few big porgies on it but another drop had a pick of big porgies and few big sea bass to 4 lbs. Things are just staring out in the deep water. Nothing great yet though.The afternoon trip saw a slow pick of blues on jigs to start the trip. Then we switched over to bottom fishing and had a very good catch of porgies for the rest of the trip. Lots of action, many throwbacks with some nice big porgies in the mix as well.
Good trip!

fishing report


These are just a few of our recent Port Jefferson Fishing Reports.  Located on the north shore of Long Island, Port Jefferson is home to some of the best fishing in the sound!  Free feel to call us for the most up to date reports and we will be happy to give you the latest info!   631-928-3926