Fishing Reports

Friday, July 11, 2008

We sailed on our second east end fluke trip today! The trip started off very well during the morning tide as there was plenty of action with some real nice fluke in the mix. Bucktails were working quite well with green and pink the hot colors of the day.

Once that tide eased off it was a slow pick for the rest of the trip. 16 fares tallied around 100 fluke, 26 were keepers. Pool was caught by Chris which weighed around 7 lbs. Not quite as good as our first trip but still a good day.Looking forward to getting back there on Monday!Capt Dane ran the CQIII on a bass and fluke charter and had a great trip! Chunking was awesome on the first of the ebb this morning as they easily limited out on bass to 28 lbs on bunker. They switched over to fluke and landed a few nice keepers with lots of action to finish up the trip.

Last nights pm trip saw a pick of blues on the jigs up on the shoal. As the sun set we then switched over to porgies. Chumming up on the shoal produced very well as and nice catch of big scup rounded out the catch to go along with a beautiful sunset.Sailing three trips tomorrow and we head on down to the eastern grounds again on monday. Plenty of room if you would like to join us.

July 8th 2008

Excellent fishing today on our East End Fluke Special!!
We arrived on the last of the ebb and from the first drift you could tell there were a lot of fluke around. The shoal was loaded with sandeels, birds everywhere. The first 2 drifts wer good as a dozen big fluke were caught.

The current eased off around 9:30 and the next few hours we had very poor drifting conditions. Noentheless, we managed to pick away at the fluke through the slack.
Once the incoming started the bite really turned on again. They were really starting to snap good the last few drifts but unfortuantely we had to leave them biting to get home for our 4:30 trip.Finished the day with over 100 fluke, 50 were keepers, many of which weighed between 4-7 lbs! Quality fluke today! If we had good conditions it would have been even better!Highlights include John Briciana with 5 keepers , Matt Jenkins with 5 keepers, Rob Laurice with 5 keepers, and Ted Golja with 5 keepers and the pool (ORL!)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fishing has been quite good the past two days. Yesterday saw tons of action all day long with the fluke and porgies. Lots of throwbacks but enough keepers in the mix to put together a good catch. The pm trip saw a good late bite on the porgies around 7pm as most fares limited out.

Today saw a ton of action again on the fluke with both bucktails and bait working quite well. The fluke have really turned on this past week. With last years limits we would really be doing awesome. But despite the limits there are still enough mini doormats around to make the effort worthwhile.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Great action on the fluke today. 18 anglers had over 150 fluke, 21 were keepers. Johnny B won the pool with a 7 lbder.Lots of fish right now at B11 and B9.
Bucktails worked the best.

June 26, 2008

Nice catch of fluke today!! Started the morning with some diamond jigging. Landed about a dozen blues and a few short bass but the fish were scattered. We decided to switch over to fluke on the last of the ebb as the drifting conditions were excellent.

The fluke were biting very well until the tide dropped out. We landed over 70 fluke, keeping 22 with some nice fatties in the mix up to 7.9 lbs! Straight bait rigs with spearing were the ticket.We have excellent conditions again for tomorrow morning. Only 1 person has signed up so far for tomorrows trip. Come on down if you want to get in on the action!

June23, 2008

We did not sail today with the weather. Yesterday saw some great jigging on the CQIII on the last of the outgoing tide. Tons of blues were stacked on the edge of the shoal. The CQII had a slow pick of porgies first thing in the morning but the bite died as we lost the tide. We managed to jig 25-30 blues to end the trip up on the shoal.The pm trip was outrageous!

Thousands of blues were pile up right outside the inlet and our 6 fares bailed fish for the first two hours of the trip! All the rain and storms that were predicted never came and a great time was had by all!

June 19, 2008

Fishing remains very solid right now. The diamond jigging has been terrific on many trips as there are a ton of blues chasing the sand eels up on the shoal right outside the harbor. The porgy bit has been very good in the morning in particular. As for Fluke, today saw a ton of action as 14 fares had over 70 fluke…..only 4 were keepers though.Last years regs it would have been an excellent trip!

On Wednesday, we had a charter with Capt Jerry McGrath and his Fish N Kids Program. 50 kids from Oxhead Elementary School had an awesome trip as they Limited out on Big Porgies in now time.Great time for the Kids!!!

June 16, 2008

Bail Job today!!!
Our charter of 24 anglers started the day with a limit catch of Porgies! Then we switched over to diamond jigs and absolutely slaughtered the blues and schoolie bass!
Several hundred fish were landed before calling it a day!Great trip!!

June 15, 2008

Yesterday was awesome. BAIL JOB on the Jumbo porgies and lots of great action diamond jigging!Had a family group who chartered the boat and it was great to get the kids into so many fish!

Today, the porgies were there, but the bite was very picky. They were schooled up in huge piles and were spawning. Unfortunately they had other things on their minds besides eating our delicious clam baits. The fluke bite was also slow.
Oh well, hopefully they will bite again tomorrow!

June 13, 2008

What a day! Beautiful weather, beautiful people and lots of fish!!!

BAILED the big porgies to start the day. 30 anglers easily limited out in a1/2 hour.Tried a few drifts for fluke but with the drift conditions it wasnt looking to promising so we switched over to diamond jigs. There were lots of blues and a few schoolie bass up on the shoal chasing sandeels. The jigging was very good for the remainder of the trip. Great all around day!

It is an extraordinary body of porgies around right now, more than we have seen in several years.Video from this mornings trip is now on PORGY BONANZA!!

fishing report


These are just a few of our recent Port Jefferson Fishing Reports.  Located on the north shore of Long Island, Port Jefferson is home to some of the best fishing in the sound!  Free feel to call us for the most up to date reports and we will be happy to give you the latest info!   631-928-3926