Fishing Reports

Saturday, October 10, 2009

We didnt sail much of the week due to the weather. We werent able to sail today either. But we did sail yesterday!!

The tog bite is picking up a 30 nice keeper blackfish were landed to 9 lbs and 150 scup plus some sea bass. Rich seahag had the big 9 lbder and John Viol led the way with 8 keepers (orl).

Here is a report from John who posted this one the web:Jumped aboard the Celitc Quest yesterday for some early season Tog. I am happy to report that the Tog have begun to put on the feedbag. Big time. It was not long after the anchor was set on our first drop that quality Tog began coming over the rails all around the Boat. Even Capt. Chris got into the action, quickly putting a couple of quality Tog on ice. Every piece that we stopped on held good life, and some real quality tog, as a number of 6-7 lb Tog went into various coolers and buckets. By 12:30 the wind had gone from almost flat calm to downright nasty. So Capt. Chris decided to do a few Porgy drops. We managed some Quality Scup, and a few Seabass on every drop, before calling it a day. I managed 8 quality Tog, only keeping my limit of course. If you get the chance, nows the time to get out there and fish with some of the best in the business. Capt. Chris is always on his game, and Mates Tommy and Caroline are always there when you need a hand or to net your fish. You simply could not ask for a better Crew. I know i'll be back next week.

Monday, October, 5, 2009

Nice day out there today. Felt like fall! Good porgie fishing at the middle grounds today with some real quality scup in the mix. They took a little work but by days end everyone had a decent amount of fillets for dinner. Hit a few wrecks for a dozen blackfish as well.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tog bite was better than it has been in the morning today as 35 chins were landed. Tried a few wrecks for porgies and seabass but the action was slow. Nice to see the blackfish waking up though!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Despite the bad weather, a few hearty souls came out today. It actually turned to be a very nice day as it only rained for the first half hour and the rest of the day was very nice. Even had to put my sunglasses on at one point!

We started out with a very good porgie drop with some good sized scup and a few sea bass. After we had a decent amount in the boat we headed to some blackfish drops. It was a slow pick and you had to work for em, but we did put about a dozen nice fish in the boat. Dave from Jersey was high hook with 4 keepers and 6 shorts. Came back to the middle grounds to end the day, but the porgie bite was slow on the hard moon ebb tide.

Just getting started and good days are ahead!

Friday, Oct 2, 2009

Here is a report form John Viol who was on the boat today:

My good friend Dan and i decided to Join the C.Q. on yesterdays trip. As we were heading to the fishing ground Capt. Chris announced that we were going to try for Tog first, but he quickly added that there were giant Porgies and some quality Seabass on these pieces as well for those who wanted to fish with clams. We hit about 5 or so pieces finding life on every one of them. The Porgies were huge, all in the 2/34 – 3+ lb class. The Seabass were equally impressive. Each piece that we fished held a few quality Blackfish, and on the third piece i nailed the pool winning Tog which pushed the scales down to just shy of 8 lbs. By the end of the day everyone on board had enough fillets for at least a few quality meals. The Weather "especially in the morning" was beautiful with flat calm water for most of the day. As Always, Capt. Chris and Crew were on top of their game, always there whenever you needed them. Really a top notch operation. Get out there for a great mixed bag of truly quality fish. I know i'll be back next week.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Opening day today for blackfishing. The bite has been great for two weeks now for the guys I know who have tried it. Today, that was not the case though. We caught some, about 15 keepers and some shorts as well as dozen sea bass. But they were definitely off the feed. Ray Balchi , amazingly, was high hook with 3 keepers. Pool was 6.5 lbs. Ended the day with a few porgie drops to get everyone some dinner. Try again tomorrow. Good days are ahead !

Sunday September 27th

The bottom fishing remained very solid. Nice load of porgies with a dozen sea bass and a dozen blues in the mix. Porgies are open till OCT 15. Come join us for the great fall bottom fishing!

We are chartered Tuesday day and Wednesday day. Blackfish opener is Thursday with plenty of spots available.

Saturday, Sept 26, 2009

The weather cooperated just enough to get the trip in this morning. It wasn't calm the first few hours, but fishable. Things were pretty stirred up in the morning and fishing was slow on the first drop.

Looked around a bit and found a nice pile of fish to work on the rest of the day. Plenty of biggins with a few dozen super jumbos as well. Quality stuff and by days end most put together a good catch.

Tuesday, Sept 22, 2009

Gotta love fall fishing! Fishing has been great. Yesterday the porgie fishing was top notch as many had their limits. Last night the jigging was very good on the blues. Today's charter saw a few hundred nice porgies to start the day and then an all out BAIL jigging in the rip. Great fishing.

Here is a report from Freddy Azaiter who was on the boat yesterday:

Wow what a way to said good by to summer…I went to the CQ and the fishing was FAST AND FURIOUS…Capt. Chris took us for just 20 min. ride to a very productive spot… and the fish were hungry it was a massacre, I got 8 double header of Porgy's and keep only 35 big fish and release more that 30 also keepers …it was one of the most beautiful days this year and it was fun to fish with a bunch of funny guys..if you guys/girls want to have some of the fun just go fishing to Port Jeff in the CQ..great boat great Capts. and great mates…and I have to thanks God for so great day….Fredd

Sunday, Sept 20, 2009

Well, today started out really slow….but ended really well!!!!

The first drop the bite was way off with very dirty water and ripping current. We moved around a bit and put a few dozen porgies and a 25 sea bass in the boat. But the bite was way off from what it had been.

So we headed west back to the middle and did very well on the porgies. The last drop especially was lock and load and in two hours at the middle we put together a very respectable day with high hooks approaching their limit. Had we gone there first it would have been some day. highlight today was a nice keeper bass that won the pool caught by 6 year old kyle! congratulations kyle!

Here is a report from Artie the Veteran who was on the trip:

jumped on the cq this morning with my hailey, mommy, and uncle tommy. had a great day, nice weather great company. it started off a little slow but by the end of the trip i was close to my limit the three of us wound up with 60 to 70 pork chops nice size and half doz c-bass. it was pretty crowded today, thank God Tommy and Little Chris were around to say on top of the action, as well as re-rigging the poles for all of us a few times. My daughter Hailey met a nice new fishing buddy Kyle who is in some of these pictures. he wound up catching the pool fish, a nice 15 pound striped bass for a 6-year old boy – it was his first striper.

i don't know what was more fun – fishing on the CQ with Capt. Desi, or getting to hang out with my wife and one of our best friends, uncle Tommy, or watching the kids playing with the fish. it was really nice to have another father there, teaching his son as i teach my daughter the traditions of long island fishing. my double hats off today goes to Little Chris for breaking his ass every minute as well as cleaning tons of fish which were finished off at the dock. this is just a great family boat. it was great to see Mr. Desmond out there today. i like to shout out to my buddy ray who we missed today especially when we went to tara's for our usual few raymundos for the road.
keep 'em tight
the veteran

He is a report from Andrew "Blackfish King" who was also on the trip 9 20 09 PORGY TIME.

2 of my buddys and i were on this trip and let me tell you.. those kids were pretty funny. we were fishing the port stern and the little boy and girl were hysterical. they came to the back of the boat and were grabbing everyones fish and slamming them back into the pails.. then the little girl started to whip my buddy pete with some mono she found on the floor.. i got a kick out of that..anyway about fishing part of the trip..

we took a long ride and had a slow morning due to conditions and fish that didnt really want to bite. desi decided to head closer to home and that was a golden move.. the fish were hungry to say the least. the were bitting before the sinker hit the floor. i had my limit of porgys and made a little chum slick with some of the bait that was sitting out in the sun, then floated out a porgul with a bluefish hook for a few minutes before the trip was over…

next thing i know the little boy who was beating up everyones fish starts screaming and his father was calling for a net. he hooked a nice sized keeper bass. so the mate grabed a gaff and landed the bass. man was that kid happy.. ps we had a granny in on the boat and she was kicking the crap out of the porgys double header after double header.
very pleasant day to say the least.
2 more weeks and the togs are here… cant wait.

fishing report


These are just a few of our recent Port Jefferson Fishing Reports.  Located on the north shore of Long Island, Port Jefferson is home to some of the best fishing in the sound!  Free feel to call us for the most up to date reports and we will be happy to give you the latest info!   631-928-3926