Fishing Reports

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Solid day today, not as many as yesterday. 15 fares were 4 short of a full boat limit though. Very fast drift made the latter half of the trip very challenging!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The fluke action today was quite silly to say the least! The first and last of the ebb was lock and load on the bucktails. Hit the bottom, get a bite and reel up a fluke.

Over 1000 fluke easy were landed!!, many many limits, too many to list. Pool was caught by 12 year Tyler and weighed just under 8 lbs!! Way to go Tyler.

Mutiple hundreds of fish in the 18-20 should be keeper range.

Trying to go tomorrow if we get enough fares. We will be sailing these full day extended fluke trips every weekday now until further notice. Hope to see you!

Monday, June 21, 2010

With all the kids and families out for Fathers Day weekend we opted to mostly bottom fish. We had some really good porgy fishing on most of our half day trips with a few fluke mixed in. Everyone went home with a nice bag of fish for dinner. Saturday and Sunday evening trips were slow for some reason, but most others were very solid.

Todays East End trip was very good again. Not the ludicrous numbers that we saw on Friday, though comparing to that is very hard. Nonetheless, 33 anglers had 450 plus fluke on the day, 37 keepers. Pool today on the 5 lb class. A beauty around 9 lbs was lost boat side. Oh well. All in all a very respectable catch.

Headed back out everyday this week. Weather looks good!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Fluking today was absolutely awesome!! 22 fares, over 700 fluke by noon time! 130 plus keepers!!(orl) tons of 5lbders, bunch of 6 lbders, a few 7's and the pool a 10.1 lb Slob!!

Left them in all out bail job because enough was enough. The bottom was paved with fish today. Every drift from beginning to end was a bail, even through the slack. We knew it was going to be good when on the first drift the fluke we caught were all being followed up by other fluke. many double headers today. I really dont what else to say about it.

Hit the porgies grounds on the way home and beat on the big porgies as well. A quick 15 minutes was all it took for a our limit of scup and headed for home.

Artie the Veteran was on fire today catching as easy 50 fluke, 12 keepers (orl) and the pool winner, his first ever double digit fluke! congrats artie on that! He is currently in the lead to win the beautiful custom rod built by ralph RODWINDER!

John Viol, the man generous enough to set this trip up for everyone (thank John!) also had a dozen keepers and 50 or more on the day (orl) Johns wife Diane had 9 keepers, Dan kuftak 9 keepers,

Ken Scott had a 7.8 lb beauty as Kevin Roletter a 7.5 lb flattie.

Savage fishing!! A day I wont soon forget!

Man Togilator, I cant believe you had to work today!! 🙂

Due to this insane body of fluke, we are changing all our trips next week to full day East End Specials leaving at 6 am returning approximately 3:30pm.
Porgie fishing on all trips yesterday was a Bail Job. Pm trip headed home early with a full boat limit in no time!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

It was too windy this morning to head down east so we stayed local. And all is well that ends well!! Caught a ton of fluke all day long as 17 anglers had well over 300-350 fluke on the day. But the keepers were very hard to come by as we only had 10 or 12 by early afternoon…….

That is until we decided to try one last area where we had marked a nice big pile of bait on the ride out. The last drift was awesome! Quite possibly the best 15 minutes of the season so far as 20 keepers came over the rail and a good 70 shorts as well!!!

Mathew Konefal led the way with 5 keepers(orl) followed by the one and only Ed Sabatino who had and easy 30 fluke on the day with 4 keepers(orl) Lee Dimitriou, Bernie Reynolds, Bob Jung, Daniel White, even Ray Balchi all limited out!

What a way to end the day!

Monday, June 14, 2010

The porgie fishing continues to be awesome! Mixed in a few drops on all our half day trips this weekend and had great action! Saturday night and Sunday night were slower with slack low in the middle of the trip but a decent amount of big porgies were still caught and everyone went home with plenty for dinner. The day trips were very good!

The local fluke was on the slow side this weekend with mostly shorts and a few keepers, nothing great though. We will be headed down east again tomorrow weather permitting. Here are a few recent shots from the recent great bottom fishing.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Had a great day with Tim and crew from Engine 225, Ladder 107 in Brooklyn. Started the day off with a full limit of porgies to 3 lbs in a half hour. awesome bite. Then headed to the fluke grounds. It took a while to get a good drift but once the outgoing set up the bite really turned on. Finished up with an excellent bite with plenty of nice fluke coming over the rails. Ended up with over 200 fluke with 25 keepers for 23 anglers. pool was 5lbs 13oz,. We had 4 other fish weighed in over 5 lbs as well and many in the 4 lb range. We had to leave em biting to head home for the next trip, but it was great to finish on a high note.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A MASSIVE school of humpback porgies today that stretched over 1 mile long! YES you read the right!! I have been working on porgie boats for over 20 years and seen some amazing porgie fishing, but have never in my life have we ever seen a school of porgies that even comes close to what we fished on yesterday! The school was 10-20 feet high, 50 yards wide by 1 mile in length!!! Truly a site to behold! I cant even imagine how many fish were down there. literally hundreds and hundreds of thousands of scup, many jumbo sized, even SUPER jumbo sized over 3 lbs!

This massive school was set up right along the bank of the shoal along the edge and stayed there the entire day. Just checked in with Capt Jared this morning and the school was still there. They made a quick drop on the way to the fluke grounds and limited out the entire boat in no time. Last nights trip was a complete BAILJOB as was the day trip. Amazing!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Fishing is in full swing on the north shore!!!!

Today, June 7 aboard the CQII Capt bill took a bit of a ride and put over 200 fluke, 27 keepers on the boat up to 7lbs. Many many shorts were landed as well. The Desena brothers were at it again and took home the pool!

Members of the garden city police Chartered the CQIV today. What a day it was! Started the day on the scup, bailed them till the guys said enough! Moved down the way a bit and tried for some fluke, picked away and ended up with 8 keepers. On the way home decided to check out the jigging grounds. Bailed the blues and 3 bass, one being a keeper! GREAT DAY!!
Capt. Chris

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sorry for the late reports here. Been so busy on the boat everyday slaying giant fish that I couldnt get to my computer! 🙂

Fishing remains absolutely fantastic for Porgies. Every trip the past few days has seen lots of jumbos and all the kids are having a blast! Many fish have weighed in over 3 lbs. We are also seeing a few sea bass and last night we even caught 6 nice blackfish! (all released) Super fishing right now on these trips as the scup have piled in on the beaches. This should hopefully last a few more weeks. Dont wait till its over. Now is the time!

Fluking locally has been decent on the ebb tide. A nice body of fish settled in on one area the past few days. The morning tide has been quite good. We will get back to our full day trips tomorrow and are headed out east again on Tuesday.

fishing report


These are just a few of our recent Port Jefferson Fishing Reports.  Located on the north shore of Long Island, Port Jefferson is home to some of the best fishing in the sound!  Free feel to call us for the most up to date reports and we will be happy to give you the latest info!   631-928-3926